
In early 2016 BrewDog did something quite unusual and open sourced all their recipes. As a BrewDog fan, a beer lover and a home brewer I was very excited to get my hands on these recipes. Its a beautiful document with a huge volume of data and I am hugely grateful that they released it to the world.

Unfortunately, the only digital copy of this document is a PDF download. This is not a great way to share such a large and deliciously rich set of data. PDF documents are huge in size, hard to search and a real pain to use on mobile. Plus most brewers just want to stick a recipe straight into their brewing software, which they would have to do manually. So I decided to create a web resource of the document, one that is searchable, mobile friendly and allows you to download BeerXML copy for your brewing software.

To do this I had to scrape the data out of the PDF document. In the process I have tried to fix some errors (yes, there were a few) and  fix some inconsistencies with how the recipes are presented (specifically around miscellaneous ingredients). This is very much a work in progress. There are a lot of recipes and I am an inherently lazy person. They have also released a newer version of the document since I started on this. I will add the new recipes soon.

If you see any issues with specific recipes please let me know and I will clean it up.


BeerXML is generated on the fly for each recipe based on the data I have. I have gone to the effort of loading some data for the malts and hops. There is also very little information about mash steps and fermentation. I have tried to stick to sensible defaults.

Miscellaneous ingredients are pretty much split in two. Stuff thats added as a "Twist" in the BrewDog recipes I treat as Secondary FV additions and stuff thats included along with the hops are treated as boil additions. These vary greatly in the source material but I have tried to clean some of them up. I will happily make fixes to this so if you spot any inconsistencies let me know.